Managed Service Programmatic

Why Use Sedona?

We Target the Right Audience With Our Expertise

Sedona Media is an programmatic agency that can optimize digital campaigns on your behalf. We do that by past and present behavior as well as audience segments that can be tailored to find users. Our experts specifically target any person who is contextually searching a site.

We operate
in a world
of choices
SINCE 2008

Sedona Media

About Sedona Media, Inc.

Since 2008, Sedona Media Inc. has been at the forefront of the on-line digital advertising world. Our team has over 30 years of combined success with major multinational brands, as well as mid-size, regional, and innovative new enterprises. 
We operate in a world of choices. Knowing this, we bring a unique blend of technological expertise and personalized service to our clients. 

Sedona manages and optimizes digital campaigns across multiple platforms which provides exceptional performance based on our clients KPIs.

Audience Targeting

Sedona Custom Segments

Audience segments in Sedona can be tailored to find hyper-relevant users for your brand across 55,000+ sites.

  1. Target people reading about a particular topic or competitor on the web.

  2. Target people during and after their visit to a particular physical location.

  3. Target people on devices associated with a particular IP address.

  4. Target people using mobile devices.

  5. Target people by internet service provider (ISP).

  6. Target contacts from a CRM list you upload.

  7. Intersect any audience with another.


Target everyone who is reading about the latest shoe trends and who has been within a certain radius from your store in the last 7 days.

Sedona Media

Proprietary Targeting Create a One-of-a-Kind Browsing Audience

Sedona uses natural language processing to index hundreds of millions of pages per week to find the people demonstrating strong intent to engage or convert. You can specify topics and subsequently target the audiences who have shown the most interest in those topics.

We identify people based on the following:

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Their browsing interest in topics

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Relevant content consumption

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Geographic breakdown/ potential reach

Cross-Device Capabilities

The Sedona user identity consists of
3 points of identification: cookie, device ID and residential IP.

Audience Intersection
Layer audiences of any data source, such as 1st-party CRM lists and 3rd-party audiences from a data partner.

Target and retarget users across all formats: native, display, video, connected TV (CTV), and audio.

You can attribute conversions, foot traffic and brand sentiment across multiple channels. Track online purchases, from a desktop or mobile device that result from a CTV ad.

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Sedona Media

Targeting in Sedona

Accelerate your targeting strategies with Sedona Media, Inc.

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Page Context Use patent-pending technology to create infinitely personal user experiences.

Leveraging machine learning, Page Context reaches your audience based on the content they are consuming. Input phrases and our patent-pending algorithm will determine the best placements based on the content of a publisher or site.

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Tailor ads to the content near which they are displayed, rather than the viewer themselves.

Build Relevant Ad Experiences
Use our proprietary technology to show ads to people browsing sites directly relevant to your product or service.

Smart and Precise Targeting
Targeting expands to include semantically-related phrases so all applicable viewers are exposed to your ads.

Multi-Channel Scale
Leverage for native, display, and video advertising campaigns across 400 million pages on desktop and mobile web.

Dynamic Retargeting

Your target customer showing high purchase intent will be captured and dynamically retargeted with a customized native (image, headline, and copy) or display ad, bringing them back to the product page that grabbed their attention.

This entire process is automated, meaning a single pixel will have retargeting scaled across your entire site.

We handle all the heavy lifting of the setup. Simply copy and paste the pixel to launch.


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B2B Targeting Reach people at specific businesses, establishments, or institutions.

Align campaign types with your business goals:

  • Brand awareness campaigns can pull prospects to the top of your funnel
  • Drive traffic to your website to build a highly specific remarketing list
  • Conversion campaigns can drive prospects directly to content or a demo

Target the professionals you want:

  • Pre-packaged B2B targeting segments
  • Custom B2B segments can be created

Get In Touch

Reach out to our team if you have any questions, or would like to know more. We would love to hear from you!